Wednesday, April 7, 2010

day 22 - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sleep - something i simply love! N lots of it....hv dun sum records in this field on holidays! M just nt an early bird...cant get up early, however much i want to...
Now, y a post on sumthin as mundane as sleeping...? might ask...?
because most of the times, after a long sleep, i get this huge guilty feeling...a guilt of wasting time which is both precious n limited....a guilt of not doing important to-do things - personal n social goals because i've slept exTraaa...a guilt that somewhere i tend to use sleep as an excuse to escape from problems, or decisions....
To top it all, i got a fwd early morn last week which said - 'you can sleep all u want once u're dead, life is for living, so wake up!'
Ha! You can calculate yrself how many multi-fold my guilt wd hv multiplied.....
Its a situation of 'damned if u do, damned if u dont!'....
Oopar se my sleep is quite non-eventful....i dont remember nthing - repeat nythin of my dreams....unlike dibba who gets some really hilarious dreams at times! :D
one things fr sure, i'm a deeeep sleeper...a fren calls it sharing a split personality with Kumbhakaran!!!
So basically, if nyone knows any remedy for 'sleepaholism' do lemme know....till then i continue to pretend i dont hear my guilt pangs! :D

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