Saturday, June 25, 2011

Memories on the trot..............

Because of what I thought you were,
                     and what you were not,
My memories of you refuse to blur,
                              and refuse to rot,
& my efforts at blocking you out
                        all come to nought,
                       more often than not...

There was a lot of Love we thought,
                            ----- "A Lot"!!!
But it got caught
              in the spinning onslaught..

Holding hands, being there.......
All elements of a sweet fairytale plot,
With untruths, the mind was fraught.

A fine canvas got a messy big blot,
T'were differences between what the
Heart said and the brain thought....

Do we now "see" what actually happened,
                            and what ought?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Full Circle.....

Life comes back full circle, you know...
And you will reap, whatever you sow..

You'll always be right here, wherever and however far you go,
Making me feel better again, whenever I feel too low.

What you told me years ago,
More often than not, I hear exactly the same words echo...
I donno whether to classify it as deja view or a future dekko!

Sometimes, when i enter into a tunnel dark and narrow,
The Ghost of the Past, as I perceive it, descends upon me,
and I feel all Joy covered with deep Sorrow,

The Past comes nearer, beckons me... & Lo!
It says: "From our conversations, I will need some words to borrow,
I couldnt be your Yesterday, but dont worry, I'll be your Tomorrow........ "

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Beeg Bear Hugs!

In these days of play-n-plug,
There's one desire, which to all heart strings tugs,
There are many Someones out there who need a BEEG BEAR HUG!

Someone sad, someone alone,
Someone to tired to even brood and moan..

Someone who's standing still even today coz of a thud aeons ago,
Someone who doesnt believe a better future will ever come and last.
Or the one who's crazy speed makes his present a distant past....

Someone who's too scared to let go,
Someone who was once a go-getter but now lets life get the better of him...

Someone whose tears are framecast in the void of the eyes,
Someone who's eyes are long dead but whose hands beckon you.

Someone who wants to belong, but has been turned away for too long,
Someone who's forgotten the tune of her own song!

Someone who's only known Hate,
Someone who's given up on his fate.
Someone who's never known Love or its mystic gait..

Someone who's wide awake on a lonely night,
wondering wherefrom his next meal will arrive.

Someone who longs for a word, any word, as long as he's been spoken to,
Someone whose smile has long gone
Or the one who can smile despite bearing a hundred wrongs...

Someone who's had a lifetime of swimming against the current,
but now has no energy left to go on..
Someone who's life is a-drifting; who knows not how to move on.

Someone who was once a leader, but is now too afraid to even follow,
Someone who was once brimming with life, but now lives one so hollow!

Someone who was once a teacher but has now forgotten to learn,
Someone who, from himself, is on the Run..
Someone whose story may reflect your own (known or unknown)....

Each of these Some-ones need Kindness and some warmth ----
we're not talking of hearths and rugs,
Each of them could do with Beeg Bear Hugs!

Selected poetry by YT - Blast from the past.....Installment 1

In continuation with my entry (rather bold one! :D - read previous post for a backgrounder!) into the world of poetry, I'm trying to find all those pages, scraps, old diaries where I scribbled stuff....and posting them all  on the blog (Yeah: am not a big enough poet to think of copyright issues yet!! :). So here is the first batch / installment of 5 of 'em poems:

1. There's something thug-like in this throng,
Each one sets out to create and sing her/his own song,
But to the same universe of verse they all belong,
Each of them is more alike than they'd thought, all along!

If there are wounds, there WAS Hurt,
No point 'ghosting' it away....
Forgiving aint easy, nay, not-at-all,
But walking tall again is important; how long do you want to crawl?

Lines designed on the palm indelibly,
Green Vessels carrying the Red Life tirelessly..
Thoughts criss-crossing the head at top speed,
Piercing the tenuous silence with mutinous noise,
Rings and bowed branches do not a tree's age hide,
Our memories tie up the Within and Outside...
Pick up the harrowed strings, colour them bright,
Take the reins, grip them tight...

In the grand scheme of Time,
There's nothing early Early or Late..
Time's tide will swell and abate,
But its our Choices that make our Fate...
Who is Santa, they ask,
He is more popular than the Pope and he epitomises Hope.
What is Hope, they ask,
It is the rope that pulls you out of the well of Despair and it is a Cousin of Prayer.
What is a Prayer, they ask,
It is the talk which connects the souls of the Seeker and the Sought.
What is the finest thing that can be Sought? :)
Faith, Humility, Love are all fine,
But to a kid, it is still Santa's Mask!!!

to be continued.......

Same person - different lives!?!

I began my life with probably NO knowledge of what creativity is.
I grew up guessing probably I had not much creativity.
When I began work, I was convinced I wasnt creative,
People around me, yeah they're creative, many of 'em....
But me, no way!
Till there came a phase, where I stopped disbelieving in myself....
A phase where I began doing things I wouldnt have dreamed of, earlier - in my younger days i mean.
Sample of what I'm talking about?:

I karaoked. (donno how close it was to croaked, but that doesnt matter! :D)
I bunjee jumped.
I began getting fascinated by travelling far away places - on my own or with unknown people
I began talking to strangers. I began making friends relatively easily.
I proposed (not telling you to whom and how many times :P)
I started organising Meets, Events for causes close to my heart.
I participated in Inter-corporate Bowling Tournaments (not telling you how far we got, though! :D)
I began taking life less seriously for the things that dont matter and more seriously on the counts that needed improvement.
I got a wider screen view of the world - with all its good, bad, ugly - from the earlier narrow perspective on things.
I began writing poetry. Rhymes, mostly. But heyyy, I never thought I could!
I began exploring the inner & outer worlds a lot more than I ever did in all the years in my age.

Same person - different lives....or Same life - different levels of awareness. I pick the latter :)

Rhymes, yet again :)

I dont need the cover of the world,
Within myself I can hide,

Behind all the noise,
Restlessness and a yearning reside....

How I want to cast the mask aside,
I want to rebel; yet I want to abide

At any given moment we have just the moment to decide,
To trace the sameness in all, or to divide,

One day, the solution in the form of something or someone will arrive,
To all those doubts, all those questions, the answers personified..

Are you in the same boat? Hop on over, we'll together ride the tide,
You & Me, She & He, We & They, All side by side...

There's no way we're gonna lose the present, if we're thus allied,
If there's a right way to be: Tis to Be Bonafide!