Yesterday, had a little discussion with a friend on Extra-Terrestrial Life ...likelihood, etc....something that i'm really really interested in..
While thinking of it today, my thoughts got penned down in the form of the following poem... :D
I had fun writing it, hope you have fun reading it too :D :D :D
Poem begins:
As I stand at the beginning of Nowhere,
I wonder, who else is out there?
Far Far beyond the sky so blue,
There you reside, I know its true!
The more I think, the more I’m convinced of your existence,
Why aren’t you coming to see me yet…are you serving a prison sentence?
Whether your world is above mine, or under,
What stops us from getting acquainted, then being friends, I wonder..
Im keen to know how you look like, what you eat,
And whether you have more than two feet?
I want to know your family, your society,
And you can see my world, in all its variety …
I wonder whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert,
What will be chat about; and BTW, do you guys wear any shirt?
Do you have funny laws governing your world too?
Do you have oldies running your country too?
Do you experience emotions like Love too?
If yes, in case of a break-up, what do you do?
I mean, do you sit still and feel your pain?
Then do you go out and love again??
I want to know what have you evolved from,
Like us, do you wonder where you’re going to, and where you came from???
Ohh there’s so much I want to know about you,
Of you and your world, we have no clue!!
Poem Ends