Monday, July 5, 2010

Rainbows n B&W

'My dream is to fly...
Over the Rainbow so high!'

I love this song, its video, its colors, its vibrancy, its dreams, its energy...

B&W vs multitude of colors... What do u prefer? Do u slot life and its myriad ways in very staid strict separate 2 compartments... Where there is not even a single point's commonality?

Or do u view them as a fluid, inter-changeable state of matter which can get altered depending on where u view it from?

Both Rainbow as well as B&W co-exist...
None has supremacy over the other... None can stake claim to be the Undeniable Truth....

The sooner one realises this, life becomes simpler to go by... Instantly... :)
Any thoughts on this? - do share them!


Unknown said...

it's like plain dosa has been turned into a masala dosa....and even you will agree they taste different!!!

K said...

Nothing is absolute...there are some basic principles you lay down for yourself and follow them in all honesty...but like water which can take any shape or size...let the life flow..