gudi padwa tode!
'As per lunar calender today is the new year for hindus' reads one of my friends' facebook updates!
Gosh! Just how many new years do v have??? Calender, financial, diwali, gudi padwa, makar sakranti (is it aint it??) then religious flavored new years, .....
Then regional /local new years!
Phew!! So we are always taro-taaza due to new yrs all yr round!
But heyyyyy, do we let d old in us make way for the new? Do we let new thoughts ideas, come into our lives on a daily basis? Do we choose to really question our age-old traditions, verify them vid today's facts n realities n discard them, n let newer traditions blossom?
Do we discover a newness in ourselves, our families, our colleagues, our travel-mates, our travel modes, our furnitures, our friendships often??? ask yourselves and the ans will mostly be a no - thats
called ROUTINE:) I've learnt my lesson fr the day on this New year! Happy NEWNESS to all of us!
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