Happy New Year to all the readers
On this occasion there is gonna be something new / different on this blog ... the real owner /writer of this blog is on a break and has decided to let someone else write the blog for her today.
Well the most important thing in letting someone else having to do a thing for you is having faith in him /her.
FAITH the underlying thing of all relations
How doe we measure relations?
We measure distances between places in different ways mm, cm, mtrs, km & miles.
Of course we cannot measure relations using the above measures.
People really don't need to be with each other or near each other to be close to each other.
You might be living with someone under one roof but still be never close to him/ her.
You might be working with someone in the same office but still never be able relate with him /her.
There could be a friend who now stays in a different town but he/she could be much more close to you than your blood relations.
Distances between people is defined by the faith they have with each other.
If they have faith then the distance created due to place or time doesn't matter.
On the other hand if there's no faith then even living under one roof won't make them come closer to each other.
Of all the relations that we can name or ever create the only one we ever have a complete say is friendship.
We don't have a say in deciding our parents, brothers or sisters, many don't even choose the life partners but everyone gets to choose a friend.
That's why friends are so close to us... some really lucky ones have the same group of friends throughout their life while some not so lucky have different people as their close friends during different stages in life.
Whatever may be the case the fact remains that friends are an integral part of our life.
They are there in our times of joy n sorrow ,ups n downs whenever we need them.
We can share our inner most secrets with them n b sure its safe.
That's why it is said a man is known by the company he keeps.
A world without friends will very soon see its end!!!
That's why today when my mobile went blank and I was not able to reach or call any of my friends I realised how incomplete I am without them.
The fact that most of them do not stay in the same city where I am staying currently has not come in between the moments of joy / sorrow in our lives.
I am really happy and thankful to all of them for being my friend and letting me be theirs too.
Guestpost by Harishkumar
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