Wednesday, April 21, 2010

day 34 - Things I luvvvvv....

apart from reading, watching movies.. The follg are not in any particular order though...
1. Eating with my hands...
2. A good loud hearty laughter..
3. Driving... (my car ....not ppl crazy..Haaaa!)
4. Teasing dibba vid ny and every guy...:p
5. Singing out loud alongwith d radio...
6. Eating every half n hour...
7. Jumping into other ppl's conversations - Talking to nyone abt nything n everything.../ nodding if I know nothin abt it... :D
8. Learning somethin new on the technology front....(new for me....ancient for d others! )
9. converting non-veggies into veggies ...
10. Practicing writing (legibly ) vid my right hand....n writing ambidextrously.... !


Harishkumar said...

Well miss ur driving is not driving its dr--i--v--in--g :D

I also remember you fighting in the cafeteria for a spoon to eat donuts... haa haa

divsi said...

1. aaarrrgggh!

2. :)

3. :O:O:O:O ask me!

4. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

5. lol n i change the song

6. midnite maggiiiiii

7. no comments

8. hahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahahhahaha
9. pats ya back but y do u need to do it ya??

10. thats lovely!! my darlin khabbbu:p